Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Park, I think he's off! and Funny Noises!

Here are a few pics of the concert in the park that we go to on Tuesdays in Fredericksburg. You can see Clay and Brennan Boyer with Lisa and my mom is there stretched out in the background! We love these afternoons! Clay brought some toys to share today and you can see in the bottom picture that Maddux is taking full advantage of them!!

Well, I think he's off! He's been walking around a bit but today he's off, everywhere! See the video for proof! Let's just say we're putting up the gates!!

Here is another video of dinner one night where Maddux was making some funny noises with each bite. Now whenever Clay is around Maddux does it and the two just go back and forth. It is really funny!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Things I have recently learned about Maddux

This past weekend was fun but a bit crazy. Between Maddux being sick and some Rothell family stopping by it was a bit of a whirlwind, but oh so fun! Maddux got to spend some quality time with Nanny, Eric, Tammy, Seth and Jared. We really enjoyed having them.
On the other hand I learned quite a bit about Maddux this past weekend. 1. He will sleep regardless of how much he eats. 2. He will sleep regardless of how much noise there is at night. 3. He will take medicine from you happily if you let him hold the container first, believe me I learned that the hard way. Weird I know! 4. He doesn't like his nose wiped, no matter if he has gobs of snot all over his face.
Here are a few videos and pics of our weekend! We also took some time and planted some flowers, that was fun, but fun that I'm currently paying for with a stuffed up nose and lots of allergy meds. Oh well!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Double Ear Infections

Well, Maddux has finally been bitten by the sick bug. He had been fussy for the past few days and not sleeping well during the day so I called the doctor and they wanted to see him after his temp went over 101. So off to the doctor's office we went yesterday and he in fact had a double ear infection and was congested. Poor baby. For being sick he was a great baby. Yesterday afternoon was pretty bad, no apetite, couldn't sleep, just plain miserable, but he was able to sleep last night and woke up with no fever and in a pretty good mood. So hopefully we are on the mend!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Two new movements!

Maddux figured out how to get into the toy box!!

Anything for Baby Tot!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The long awaited jumper video!

Okay so I figured out how to make a video shorter. I hope this works. I had to post this because it made me laugh so hard I cried. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Our fun-filled Saturday

We had a great day today! We went with Matt to check a job out and then we went over to the Boyer's and let the boys play and had dinner together. The pics below are all the fun things that Maddux got to do today. I'm trying to get the video of the jumper loaded cause it is really funny. Let's just say Maddux wasn't interested in jumping.Maddux in the jumper. He's never been in one before and he had no clue that you were supposed to jump. He just ran around and around in circles, it was really funny! Hopefully you'll be able to see the video below. I didn't get to add the best video but at least I got one with a little action on it! I guess the one I wanted to do was too big.
Maddux playing with Clay and Brennan Boyer. Although they are not sitting in order they are holding the correct flags.
Maddux trying out Clay's Lion Chair.
Maddux and Matt getting ready to go to the Zacagnino's. I hope I spelled that right.
In the swing with Mrs. Zacagnino. He really liked her!
Walking around the Zacagnino's with Daddy.
Clay greeting Maddux with a hug! What a sweetie!
Maddux decided that he wanted his greeting to be a high five! What cute kids!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I had a wonderful first mother's day with my family on Sunday. Maddux had a lot of fun playing with Gam and Uncle Brett, Meme and Grandpa, and of course Matt and I. Matt smoked a couple of chickens and Gam and Meme brought over some food that they had made too! We also celebrated Matt's birthday which was Monday. He is 29!
Hanging out in my toy box! It's where all the toys are!
Gam and Maddux gave me a balloon and some dark chocolate, my favorite by the way, for Mother's day. Here is Maddux playing on the floor with Meme!
I don't have too many pics of Maddux and I together so thank you Uncle Brett for taking this! Maddux loves Baby Tot from Sonic. That's what he is sucking on!
Uncle Brett was reading with Maddux a book from the library called Peek a Who? It is a very cute book and Maddux really enjoyed it! I'll have to check it out again for him!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Books Books Books

Maddux has really started to be interested in books. He loves to open and close them and always wants to take them off of the bookshelf. I put him in the basket and he grabbed a book and started talking and reading.

Hey sitting in this basket is kindof cool, let me read my book!
Hmmmmmm.....the dog says, wait a minute, the cat says..............................
I like the fish, they are shiny and mommy makes weird faces when I turn to this page!
Oh, the hamsters, I love the hamsters too. Wait mommy I can't put the book down till I look at the rabbit again!!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Storms last night!

Okay so those of you who know me pretty well know how deathly afraid I am of thunderstorms. It doesn't matter if it's a little one or not, a thunderstorm is a thunderstorm. Matt knows that when a storm is coming he's not going to sleep until the radar is clear. Well last night was no exception. We had quite a few major storms come through our area last night and we were monitoring the situation constantly. Thank goodness for power and cable! We decided about 10:10 to go get Maddux up and go to the basement and after seeing some of the houses just north of us in Stafford I'm glad we did. We were in the clear from the worst storm about 11:10 so back to sleep Maddux went and right back down he went! Praise God we were safe and sound! Okay, I know they say don't let the little ones see how scared you are because you don't want to give them your fears, let's just say I did a great job faking it! Maddux and I sat down in the basement singing and touching the wall pretending to camp out! Well, I'm glad last night is over, hopefully we'll all sleep soundly tonight!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Peek-a-boo and Clapping too!

I thought this video was so cute! Maddux loves to play peek-a-boo. He will just laugh and laugh! He is so much fun!

This day in particular Maddux really wanted to clap and clap and clap some more. He was cheering mom and dad on while we were passing the ball back and forth.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Crawling update, slowly but surely we'll get it!!

So we've been working on giving Maddux lots and lots of tummy time, and I think it's paying off. We have been stopping by Buzzy's Play yard at the mall a couple of times lately and Maddux loves to watch all the kids run around. It seems to keep him entertained and he will tolerate a bit more time on his tummy than at home. You can see in the video below that he is making some progress. He'd still much rather be up and walking!! OH and by the way, you can see that Maddux's favorite thing to do right now is clap!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Fun with Meme and Grandpa

At least once a week Meme and Grampa try to come over and spend some time with Maddux. Meme sometimes gets to come by or we meet up a few more times a week, but her schedule is more flexible than Grampa's. Maddux loves spending time with them whenever and however! The first video is of Maddux and Grampa. Maddux was fascinated with his beard, don't know that he'd seen one of those before.

Meme gave Maddux a cup to play with so I sat on the floor and played copy cat with him! He is so much fun!