Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hilton Head

We went to Hilton Head SC last week with my family. We had a great time! Maddux loved everything from the beach to the park to the bikes! Thank you Meme and Grandpa! We also had a great time with my brother Brian and his wife Cindy and daughter Savannah! We can't wait to go back!
Savannah swinging Maddux.
Maddux playing at the playplace at the mall.
Meme and Grandpa playing the game I never quite got.
Meme taking a break from her long bike ride and Cindy and Savannah playing in the sand.
Maddux playing with "Grandpa's Toys".
Dad decided to head out to the beach and hold down our fort! It was a perfect day for playing at the beach!
The first day we went on a walk to find the best way to the beach and no one was smart enough to ride the bikes, haha! Maddux fell asleep in his little red car and Matt had to carry him home!

Savannah did a great job playing and helping Maddux all week! It was so much fun to watch them entertain each other, especially in the car and on the beach!
Mommy and Maddux
Maddux thought it was funny to wave at the waves. Here he is catching the waves with Daddy.
Taking a rest on the couch. Maddux loved being with Savannah!
Maddux and Daddy. Maddux loved the freedom of running around at the beach. The beach was so wide open at low tide that he had lots of room! It was really fun to watch him go.

Taking a bike ride with Uncle Brian and Savannah.
Family Photo
Aunt Cindy and Savannah playing in the sand.
I love this picture with him looking at his reflection. I'm sure he didn't notice it, but what a neat pic.

Aren't I so cute??

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Maddux and the Toad

Matt found Maddux a Toad to play with in the woods the other evening. Above is a video of what happened!

New salvaged car, thanks to Pop!

Maddux loves his new car that Pop just happened upon when someone was getting rid of it! Lucky us! We have been all over downtown and central park in it. Maddux loves it! You can see he's quite comfy with his arm propped and leg stretched out!

This child loves to be outside. Here you see Gam pushing him around!
He also likes to carry his golf clubs around.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Pink Panther, aka Maddux

Last night after bathtime there was an ant on the floor. If it had just been me and Maddux it would have quickly been a dead ant, but lucky for the ant, or not so lucky, Matt was around too. And we all know how boys and bugs go together. So the two, Maddux and Matt, preceded to play with the ant, chasing it, picking it up, and so on. Maddux finally had a good grip on it and I told Matt he's gonna put it in his mouth, hurry and get it. Well, Matt didn't believe me, and Maddux had an after bath snack. Luckily it was a blank ant, a little extra protein and all is well today. I think Matt now understands what they mean when they say babies put everything in their mouths!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th!

We had a wonderful July 4th celebration. Sorry these pictures are not in any order as you can see. Pop let us use his river lots to hang out downtown and we all had a great time! The people there were Pop, Matt, me, Maddux , Grandpa, Meme, Darren, Lisa, Brennan, Scott, Clay and Scott's Parents. We had great food, air conditioning to cool off and for Maddux to nap in and a great view of the fireworks. We also enjoyed walking around downtown and watching the river raft race! It was a great day!
Maddux and Mommy watching the fireworks!
Matt, Pop, and Maddux watching the fireworks.
Playing on a tree with Daddy.
Hanging with Brennan Boyer.
Mommy checking on Maddux during a nap. I actually laughed at Pop when he did this the first time, but pretty soon, Matt, and Meme and I were climbing the ladder to check on him.
Maddux and Clay were twins for the day, haha! It wasn't planned!

Playing a little Baseball.
Walking downtown seeing the sites!
I love this pic!
Maddux loved to drink out of the water bottles!
The river raft race, this boat had someone singing loudly.
Pop, Grandpa, and Meme watching the raft race.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Kicking and Bubbles

Maddux never ceases to amaze me. The vocabulary that he already knows is amazing to me. He might not be able to say it yet, but he sure knows what we are talking about. He will take trash to the trash can and throw it away. He knows where the vents, clocks, and smoke detectors are. When he's ready for a nap or bedtime he'll come to the chair and reach for his pacifiers in the crib. When he gets up from his nap he'll take his pacifier out and motion to the crib and then he'll put his pacifier back in the crib. The video above is from him kicking the balls.

The video below was from one of the days that Maddux was sick where we were looking for anything to entertain him. We pulled out the bubbles and Summer went crazy, so here's a video of our (first child) dog playing with the bubbles. Maddux really enjoyed watching her!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Been Gone awhile...

Well, Maddux has survived his first really high fever. I'm not quite sure what he had. It may have been a throat infection or just a really bad cold. He ran a fever for 5 days and now is just dealing with a snotty nose. Now if I could get rid of what I've got we'd be good to go. Here are some pics and videos of what's been going on this week!