Friday, April 4, 2008

Open, Close, Open, Close, it's really quite funny!

As I was putting Maddux to bed tonight he found something that was quite funny. At least he thought it was. I always read Maddux Goodnight Moon before putting him down. Tonight after I read it I closed the book and he started giggling. Usually by this time he's got his hands over his face and he wants to go to sleep. So I opened the book back up and he started laughing again. So the next 3-4 minutes, not kidding I was sitting by a clock, I opened and closed the book, showing different pages of course and the whole time he just giggled. It was so simple yet so funny! I love it when the unexpected happens like that!!

1 comment:

Meme said...

Do you think he might have been considering that you were playing a literacy "peek a boo" game?