Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th!

We had a wonderful July 4th celebration. Sorry these pictures are not in any order as you can see. Pop let us use his river lots to hang out downtown and we all had a great time! The people there were Pop, Matt, me, Maddux , Grandpa, Meme, Darren, Lisa, Brennan, Scott, Clay and Scott's Parents. We had great food, air conditioning to cool off and for Maddux to nap in and a great view of the fireworks. We also enjoyed walking around downtown and watching the river raft race! It was a great day!
Maddux and Mommy watching the fireworks!
Matt, Pop, and Maddux watching the fireworks.
Playing on a tree with Daddy.
Hanging with Brennan Boyer.
Mommy checking on Maddux during a nap. I actually laughed at Pop when he did this the first time, but pretty soon, Matt, and Meme and I were climbing the ladder to check on him.
Maddux and Clay were twins for the day, haha! It wasn't planned!

Playing a little Baseball.
Walking downtown seeing the sites!
I love this pic!
Maddux loved to drink out of the water bottles!
The river raft race, this boat had someone singing loudly.
Pop, Grandpa, and Meme watching the raft race.

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