Sunday, June 22, 2008

A trip to the Zoo

Maddux and Gam and I went to the Richmond zoo this week with some friends we have made, Erika and Sam. It was so great! Maddux really liked watching the monkeys and the prairie dogs. He also enjoyed the giraffes as you can see from the video. So much that he even ate some giraffe food!

Maddux is actually getting some teeth finally. He has two getting ready to pop through on the bottom. He's been up at night and a bit cranky, but not too bad. I put some stuff on his gums when he got up super early this morning and he went right back to sleep so I know it is his teeth. Hopefully soon I'll have some cute pics with some teeth!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Double Ear Infections.....Again

Maddux has been waking up screaming the past two nights so I took him to the doctor today to get his ears checked to rule out ear infections.......too bad they didn't rule them out. He has a double ear infection again and it wasn't even that long since he had the last one. I'm wondering if he has seasonal allergies like I do, poor baby. Anyways, at least the infections are not as bad as they were last time so hopefully we'll be able to beat them out of him for good. Anyone have any good advice for dealing with or hopefully avoiding ear infections? Sometimes I feel like a bad mom because he got them again. Please tell me that there is something I can do!

On a happier note, I can now say that Maddux is quite talented. He was able to pick up a moving ant two times today. I was rather impressed! Bet you don't know where he tried to put the guessed right, his mouth! Yuck! Matt rescued the ant before it became Maddux's dinner!

Here are just some pictures of him from the last few days! Oh yeah, he can say duck although it's more like kuk, haha!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

Father's Day was a complete success all the way around today! We had everyone over and Matt grilled, yes he wanted to do that! We are starting to do this quite often. We used to go out, but with a little one it's much easier to stay in as you all know I'm sure. Maddux got some good time in his pool this afternoon too! He'll kill me when he's 16 and realizes I put this on the Internet, haha! Yes we let him go without swim trunks, it's not a public pool!
Summer even wanted to join Maddux in the pool this afternoon. Maddux was playing fetch with her and she was going after her ball. He doesn't throw it that far, haha!
He loves to be sprayed by the freezing cold well water, yes I know it's weird, but he loves it!

Maddux has also learned the sign for Thank you! He started doing it today and we thought he was blowing kisses, but I realized that every time he did it I said thank you and he kept doing it and then when he heard us saying thank you to each other he would start doing it again so we figured out that he was probably using it as thank you! Sorry that was probably the worst run-on sentence I've ever written! I've been doing this one for awhile so I'm glad to see he has picked it up!

Maddux has also really started to get the hang of the walking. He'll go round and round for a long time now and he'll even carry stuff with him. It's amazing how much better he's gotten in 2 weeks!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Books Books and more Books

If you are around Maddux very long you know he loves books. Stay more than 5 minutes with him and he'll be bringing you a book. He loves turning the pages and looking at the picture. I have a book that has flaps that you lift up and he will bring that to you about 10 times in a row. He will tell you what a sheep says and a bee, although the bee sound is basically him spitting instead of buzzing, haha! I could have sworn the other day he actually said duck when he saw the picture, but who knows. So if you are ever in the mood for a good book, ask Maddux, he has a few he wouldn't mind recommending!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Spring Training

Maddux has begun to learn how to play with this toy. Thanks to Gam and Pop for the baseball training toy! It's really cute to see him do new things!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Pool, Playdate with Clay and Brennan, Monkey dance, and All done!

I bought Maddux a little pool to cool off in when it gets super hot. This was his first time in it! I think he likes it!

Wow, we sure do a lot! The first series is from a playdate with Brennan and Clay Boyer. Maddux is really into puzzles as you can see. He also really liked playing with some of Clay's push toys! There is also a video of Maddux and Clay being silly at lunch! Maddux likes to make Clay laugh! And Clay loves to help Maddux learn new things! We love the Boyers!

After dinner or any meal that is Maddux has developed something I like to call the monkey dance. He stands on my lap and jumps up and down and squeals, then he usually kisses my nose. Here is a little clip of it!

And last but not least I have been signing with Maddux a little bit and yesterday he used the sign All Done. Not only did he use it, he used it correctly and surprised me! Here is Maddux's version of All Done! It's not perfect, but I think it's great!