Sunday, August 31, 2008

At the river, a very random trip....

We took Maddux down to the river and he really loved it. We put him in the backpack and hiked down about a half mile to the river from River Bluffs. Along the way he serenaded us with his beautiful singing voice. We we got down to the river we noticed some canoes coming down the river and low and behold someone started calling out our name. It was Darren Hickman! Talk about random. He was followed by some of the Massaponax teachers. Everyone was saying Hi to Matt and laughing about how random it was that it happened! You can see Maddux enjoyed the little rapids. The river was very low by the way.

You can see Darren in his brain helmet here!

At the pool with Lily

We have been lucky to frequent different pools this summer. Here we are with Beth and Lily. We have enjoyed playing at the pool with Lily a few times this summer. Maddux has gotten a lot better about walking in the baby pool. He loved playing with this paintbrush that Beth brought.
The filter was also very fun to play with. You can see Maddux looking on as Lily opens the filter to probably get Dora out, her doll.
Maddux liked playing with the pink bucket although I'm sure Matt would have rather it been blue or green, haha!
I think Maddux was reading to Lily.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Daddy needs a new office, haha!

So Matt is moving into an office for work. For many reasons, including the one below. This is what Maddux likes to do when Daddy is in his office. He loves him so much he wants to be with him! I sure am glad Maddux loves his Daddy! We'll miss you in and out during the day Daddy but I'm sure you will get much more work done!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Trip to the Zoo!

Last Saturday we braved the National Zoo. The drive in and out was a little interesting but all in all a good time was had by all. We went with the Boyers and the Yagers and enjoyed spending time with them! Here is a tiger relaxing. Maddux thought that they would come to him like Summer if he called them by clucking and slapping his side. Good thing they didn't!
Here is an elephant. Maddux enjoyed them too! Matt stood there and made elephant noises, haha!
Trying out those walking shoes! There were too many people and too many hills to let him down too much.
Checking out the elephants again!
Maddux and Brennan hanging out after lunch.
Taking a nap, what a good boy!
I think this is a hedgehog or something, I can't remember.
Looking at the monkeys!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Maddux's new tricks!

Maddux has recently started to flex like a bodybuilder. Not quite sure where he picked that up. It was either from Matt playing around or from Pop and the strong sticks outside that they play with while going to check on the flags at our neighbor's house. Anyways, it's quite funny!

Maddux has also recently acquired an old cell phone of mine. However I do not recommend this to anyone else. It had a little battery life left and one evening while we were at small group and Matt's parents were babysitting he called 911. I did not realize that you could do this from an old cell phone that had no sim card, but apparently you can! All I can say is I'm glad Cindy intercepted the call because if not the fire trucks and police and rescue squad would have made a trip to see our house. How they can track a disconnected cell phone is a mystery to me. Anyways, you can also check out his new tennis shoes in this video. I finally got him a pair and he does quite well in them. He was running around so much outside I thought it was time to get him a pair!

Monday, August 18, 2008

What have I been up to??

We have had a great few weeks. Maddux is really running around and a lot steadier on his feet and he sure is having fun exploring and helping mommy out! Here is a pic of Maddux in his pool with a few water balloons. He really likes those water balloons! Thanks Gam and Pop!!
I was unloading the groceries one afternoon and Maddux decided he was going to help me get them into the house. Except he did everything with them except for take them in the house, haha! Here he is smelling the flowers with his grocery bag. I guess he got sidetracked.
I think he just realized that his snacks were in the bag he was carrying around.
You can see in the background where he dropped the first bag.
We went over to Lizzie, Brian, and Jack Barnes' house and had dinner. The boys really enjoyed playing together. Jack just followed Maddux around everywhere and was very interested. Maddux was really good about sharing with Jack!

Friday, August 15, 2008

A day with Aunt Judy

We went to visit Aunt Judy and her horses and Maddux was right at home. He even helped with the barn chores!
He loves to sweep!
Playing in the field outside! Getting some rays!
Aunt Judy cleaned out the water trough just for me! What fun!
Hanging with Meme on the porch.
Aunt Judy showed me an old phone! I liked that!
This horse is just my size and my hat fits on him!
Maddux loved petting the horses. This is Echo and she is a year old.
Checking out the horses with mommy and Aunt Judy.
One of Judy's new babies.
Helping Aunt Judy again!

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Fredericksburg Fair

We recently went to check out the Fredericksburg Fair with the Boyers. Maddux liked everything except for the Monster Truck, we won't talk about that. Maddux got to see a lot of different animals, vehicles, and rides.
Maddux thought that the camel was really neat. I think the camel liked him too!
The pigs really liked Maddux.
This tortoise was really neat too!
Daddy and Maddux in front of some of the rides!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Maddux!!

Here is a mix of pictures from Maddux's two birthday parties. One with my family at the beach on his birthday and one when we got home with Matt's family and my parents. It's hard to believe that Maddux is already one!! I now have a toddler!
Getting ready to eat my cake.
My cake from the beach! I don't make much of a mess!
Opening presents with Savannah helping!
Uncle Brett playing with me outside!
Gam and Pop gave me some balloons to play with.
Uncle Brett was up to his old tricks again! Summer was looking on from outside.
I love all the paper!
This was from Aunt Kerry! I love Elephants.