Monday, March 31, 2008

I'm gonna pump YOU UP!!!!

Well we just found out that the discovery baby Einstein gym doubles as a barbell. You can see that Maddux is getting his lifting in this morning. He has decided that he needs to exercise like mommy and daddy. Watch out, he's a strong one!
Pop and Gam fixed up Uncle Brett's old toy box for us to store Maddux's toys in for now. Of course we'll gladly share if Uncle Brett needs it in the future. Maddux loves trying to pull up on it and loves to put things in and lean over to try to get them back out! Thanks Gam and Pop!
With the rainy day outside today I decided to join my friend Beth and her daughter Lily at the Library. Maddux loved watching Lily get excited about all the books. As you can see Lily is showing Maddux the proper way to handle books, I don't think he gets it yet! Haha! I hope to make this a regular thing. Reading is so important and I love it and I want Maddux to be exposed and hopefully love it too!
Lastly, you can see that Maddux has finally gained enough flexibility to eat his feet. He also figured out how to pull socks off so I guess I'm glad it's spring because I don't think he is going to want to keep socks on for very long!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Let the training begin.......

Did you really think Matt would wait till Maddux was walking to begin the sport training? Well, you get your answer in this quick video. Maddux and Matt enjoy rolling the baseball around, especially in the evening before dinner when Maddux is tired. The rolling of the ball keeps him entertained quite easily. Maddux is really good at stopping the ball now and quite often gets it into his mouth for a quick chew. Sometimes he'll even sort of roll it back a little ways!

Why Hello!

Maddux has begun to understand waving. I think anyway. I catch him doing it at very odd times, but then sometimes I can actually convince him to do it. I've been practicing with him at odd times too, like we wave goodbye to the diapers as they go into the diaper genie. I know I'm weird! Here is a quick clip of a time I actually got him to do it! What do you think?

Thursday, March 27, 2008

An Outing to Charlottesville

Tuesday of Spring break Mom, Maddux, and I took off to Charlottesville to visit some of our family. Our first stop was at Aunt Judy's and Uncle Charlie's house. Maddux was moving around a lot so most of my photos had a little blur to them. We had a nice time visiting and Maddux was into everything!Our next stop was at Aunt Judy and Uncle Charlie's Farm. They have 7 horses and 2 on the way. Maddux had a good time talking to Winnie! He loves the horses! He just squealed and squealed.
Our next stop was to visit Mom's cousin Nancy. We ate lunch with Nancy and had a really nice visit.
Our last stop was to visit Aunt Hazeltine. She is almost 97 and doing great! She is my great Aunt so Maddux's great great aunt! She was very happy to meet Maddux and visit with us.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Maybe a Mama??? What do you think?

First of all Happy Easter to all of you! Isn't it wonderful that we have the hope that we do in Christ! We had a wonderful time with my parents. Mom did most of the cooking but I did a little to help. We ate, took a walk, and played! The funniest part of the day was when Matt, Maddux, and I were playing at the end of the day. He was making some really funny noises including a mooing sound and possibly a mama in there! You be the judge, regardless it was hilarious!

Friday, March 21, 2008

The Big Bath Tub!!

Maddux had a bath last night in the big bath tub for the first time! He is officially a big boy now! He took one little slip last night after Matt stood him up but he didn't even cry, he was so happy about kicking and splashing without any restraint! I will have to say that I am going to invest in a bath mat because the little guy was all over the tub last night reaching for everything including the lint that came out from between his toes. Yes, I know that is gross, but toe lint is interesting to a little guy! Enjoy the pics!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Why use your hands when God gave you a mouth?

I went to the gym this morning and while I was out Meme stayed with Maddux. When I came home she had a great time telling me that Maddux had been playing his instruments with his mouth. I believed her but I had no clue how funny it actually was. There is no way to describe it other than watching. I really enjoyed watching him play!! I hope you will too!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Like a Birdie!

So lately we have found that Maddux loves to eat, not just food either. I've found him trying to eat everything in his path. For example, you can see above he is eating his jungle gym, the carrot, and the vacuum cord! And the cutest thing is when he eats, food that is, he is like a baby bird. He will hold his mouth open and wait for food to be spooned to him. It is the funniest thing to watch!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Shoes! Shoes! And More Shoes!

We have recently discovered that Maddux loves shoes. He loves to touch them, play with them, hold them, scratch them, and of course try to eat them. He also loves to watch you move your feet with or without shoes on. I put shoes on him for the first time the other day because I didn't want him to lose his socks when we went walking the other day and he thought they were the greatest thing! He was pulling at them and just laughing away! By the way these shoes belong to the one and only GRANDPA Hill!

Maddux and Summer

We have discovered that Maddux LOVES Summer, our dog, not the season. He has figured out how to call her from across the room by holding out his hand and panting like a dog. She comes running and he precedes to open his mouth and let her give him kisses. We think it is disgusting and constantly tell Summer to get away but nevertheless Maddux continues to do it day in and day out. After Summer goes away from him he sits there and looks like Mom what did you do that for with his mouth wide open. I guess our fears of Summer not accepting Maddux are long gone and for that I guess we are grateful!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Papa's Chair

So Maddux has discovered that he loves holding onto things while trying to stand up. He thinks it is incredibly funny. I even took him to the playground today and he was having the most fun hanging onto the bars on the jungle gym. I'm not sure which he enjoyed more, hanging onto the bars or playing in the mulch.

The chair you see in the picture is from Maddux's Great Papa who passed away this past fall. He had given that chair to us last Christmas when we visited and I was pregnant. Pop, aka Doug, took it to get refinished and Maddux loves to sit in it and hold onto the back of it. I'm pretty sure Papa had the chair for quite a while and we appreciate his generosity. Oh and by the way, we won't be using that chair for the time out chair, haha!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Welcome to the Outdoors Maddux!

We have recently begun taking Maddux out on walks when the weather is nice. We purchased Maddux a backpack so that he could ride in style when we aren't able to use the stroller. We have recently discovered that we live very close by to loads of battlefields with tons of walking trails. The sad thing is that we've lived here for years and never gave them too much notice. Regardless of our ignorance, we've decided to take advantage of them now and have enjoyed showing Maddux that there is more to life than the inside of our house, haha! I think Maddux really enjoys the backpack because he giggles and laughs constantly when being carried and he's even fallen asleep in it. As you can see in the picture Matt wouldn't let me take a picture of him unless he was holding a tool, a shovel. Silly Matt!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Giving 5!

So Maddux loves to give 5 now! I've even caught him trying to give our dog Summer 5 when she is laying on her back with her paws in the air. My mom and I have been encouraging Maddux to give 5 for the past few days and now all of the sudden he wants to give everyone and everything 5, not just once either, many many many times in a row! It has turned eating time into dodge the hand, look for the mouth time! We have had many messy meals lately trying to avoid the giving 5 action of his right hand mostly, although I've seen him do it occasionally with his left! As cute as it is, I could do without it during meals, but I just laugh to myself and say oh well, he's practicing what WE taught him to do! He doesn't yet know the appropriate times to practice! He's so funny! Will post pics soon!

Just testing this out!

So I'm taking the plunge, following in other's footsteps....etc...... Welcome to Maddux World, otherwise known as A day in the life of Maddux! Join us as we taste life one day at a time and react to it, that would be Maddux! Here are some pics of Maddux just to test this out!