Monday, March 31, 2008
I'm gonna pump YOU UP!!!!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Let the training begin.......
Did you really think Matt would wait till Maddux was walking to begin the sport training? Well, you get your answer in this quick video. Maddux and Matt enjoy rolling the baseball around, especially in the evening before dinner when Maddux is tired. The rolling of the ball keeps him entertained quite easily. Maddux is really good at stopping the ball now and quite often gets it into his mouth for a quick chew. Sometimes he'll even sort of roll it back a little ways!
Why Hello!
Maddux has begun to understand waving. I think anyway. I catch him doing it at very odd times, but then sometimes I can actually convince him to do it. I've been practicing with him at odd times too, like we wave goodbye to the diapers as they go into the diaper genie. I know I'm weird! Here is a quick clip of a time I actually got him to do it! What do you think?
Thursday, March 27, 2008
An Outing to Charlottesville
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Maybe a Mama??? What do you think?
Friday, March 21, 2008
The Big Bath Tub!!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Why use your hands when God gave you a mouth?
I went to the gym this morning and while I was out Meme stayed with Maddux. When I came home she had a great time telling me that Maddux had been playing his instruments with his mouth. I believed her but I had no clue how funny it actually was. There is no way to describe it other than watching. I really enjoyed watching him play!! I hope you will too!!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Like a Birdie!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Shoes! Shoes! And More Shoes!
Maddux and Summer
Friday, March 14, 2008
Papa's Chair

So Maddux has discovered that he loves holding onto things while trying to stand up. He thinks it is incredibly funny. I even took him to the playground today and he was having the most fun hanging onto the bars on the jungle gym. I'm not sure which he enjoyed more, hanging onto the bars or playing in the mulch.
The chair you see in the picture is from Maddux's Great Papa who passed away this past fall. He had given that chair to us last Christmas when we visited and I was pregnant. Pop, aka Doug, took it to get refinished and Maddux loves to sit in it and hold onto the back of it. I'm pretty sure Papa had the chair for quite a while and we appreciate his generosity. Oh and by the way, we won't be using that chair for the time out chair, haha!