Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter!

So after church Maddux ate lunch and then he got a visitor from the easter bunny.  The easter bunny left him a trail of eggs to find leading up to his easter bucket.  He is a great egg finder!

Here is his easter bucket!  He got some plastic animals, a big bubble maker with lots of bubble juice, some color wonder markers and coloring book and a chocolate egg.  He loved his basket!

Making Easter Cookies with Meme

Maddux really enjoyed making sugar cookies.  He did a really good job using the cookie cutters and rolling the dough out.  He did get a lot of flour on his shirt, but what a good helper.

Playdate with Brooke

Last week Brooke came over to play for a bit.  Maddux and Brooke go to church together.  They did a really good job and actually played together quite a bit for their age.  There is only a few months difference in age so it was a lot of fun to watch them play!
Maddux loves to dance, here he is trying to get Brooke to join in!  

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Birthday cake for Gam!

Gam's birthday was last week and we made her a cookie cake.  You can see Meme and Maddux patting down the cookie cake.  Maddux was a big help and only tried to eat a little of it!
What a big boy!!!!  What a great helper!!!

Birthday cake for Gam

Maddux loves the horses!

We are really lucky to have horses so close to our house.  Kathy and Kevin finally moved into their new house and the horses are there with them.  Maddux usually goes up and feeds them a couple times a week.  The horses see Maddux coming and immediately start talking to him, they know they are getting food!  Dollface, the white horse is expecting a foal next week so that will be fun for Maddux to watch it grow!!!
He loves it here!!!!
Feeding Dollface a carrot with Daddy!
Beth and Lily came over one Sunday afternoon to see the horses too!

Oh No! I fell in the creek!

Maddux took a little spill in the creek behind our house, don't worry Pop was there.  So this is what came in my house when it was like 40 degrees outside, I couldn't quite figure it out till Pop came in and told us what had happened.  Maddux was a great sport and loved getting in the sink!
Helping out with the brillo sponge, nice huh?
What am I doing here in the sink??  Don't worry Maddux, Pop won't do this past when you are 16 or so, haha!

Monday, April 6, 2009

I love the Vacuum!!!!!

Maddux loves the vacuum and given any excuse he will ask for it and very happily vacuum all over for me!  He even loves to say night night to it before his nap and bedtime!

He likes the vacuum so much he'll ride on it, be pushed by it, and practically be attacked by it loving it all the time!