Here is another video of dinner one night where Maddux was making some funny noises with each bite. Now whenever Clay is around Maddux does it and the two just go back and forth. It is really funny!
I've decided to take the plunge and put our daily happenings on the web! Come see what Maddux and Hannah are up to!
Here is another video of dinner one night where Maddux was making some funny noises with each bite. Now whenever Clay is around Maddux does it and the two just go back and forth. It is really funny!
I thought this video was so cute! Maddux loves to play peek-a-boo. He will just laugh and laugh! He is so much fun!
This day in particular Maddux really wanted to clap and clap and clap some more. He was cheering mom and dad on while we were passing the ball back and forth.
At least once a week Meme and Grampa try to come over and spend some time with Maddux. Meme sometimes gets to come by or we meet up a few more times a week, but her schedule is more flexible than Grampa's. Maddux loves spending time with them whenever and however! The first video is of Maddux and Grampa. Maddux was fascinated with his beard, don't know that he'd seen one of those before.
Meme gave Maddux a cup to play with so I sat on the floor and played copy cat with him! He is so much fun!